Monday, September 24, 2007

Picking and Choosing.

Ah, the wonders of sexual selection. I never really thought to compare male's working out and putting cologne on to a peacock's tails. It all makes sense, and in humanity it seems the females do it as well, with usually the same tools as males. So for humans it seems to have become less of a display and more of a dance...which makes me think of Moulin Rouge...which is probably a bad idea.

I thought it interesting that darwin claimed males who need to "invent and fashion weapons" apparently "requires the aid of higher mental faculties" and he accredited women with empathy and increased perception. I've always seen those as the stereotypical traits of women, and never really thought the ability to sharpen a stick needed higher mental faculties. Darwin, through his research, found these to be true. So i guess there is some truth in those stereo types?

1 comment:

terry said...

What do you think about Abby's blog post on this topic? see:

What are the biological differences between the genders? brain size? muscle mass? how do different hormones affect our behaviors?