Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Do You Realize??

If it was the day of my execution, i doubt i would be that calm and collected. Socrates was just relaxing with his friends discussing how he was semi-excited about going to find True Knowledge...even if thats true, I think i would still be terrified about being on my death bed.

"either we can never attain knowledge or we can do so after death" - pg 15, E

I also thought his concept of newborns having souls from the underworld very interesting. Essentially souls are being recycled through different bodies, and learning is really just 'relearning'.

"would not we call learning the recovery of our own knowledge, and we are right to call this recollection"? -pg 26, E

This forces me to 'recollect' the old quote "there is nothing new under the sun" - (I believe thats from Ecclesiastes but don't hold me to it)

Now, in keeping with the past few entries, while reading this a song kept running through my mind and i thought it was fairly fitting: lyrics song/video (video is odd i wouldn't pay much attention to it, song is very good though)

1 comment:

Alex said...

So I totally listen to the Flaming Lips and this is one of my favorite songs. Glad to hear of another fan. I love the message in the lryics. Now I see how it completely works with what we are discussing. Nice choice.